
Save by Leveraging Collectibles

Automate your collectible investments and effortlessly grow your portfolio with the Timeless Savings Plan. Available in our app.

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Savings plan app preview

Save by Leveraging Collectibles

Automate your collectible investments and effortlessly grow your portfolio with the Timeless Savings Plan. Available in our app.

See Benefits

Within your budget. One month at a time.

Make the most out of collectible investing without sacrificing time or expertise.


Access and benefit from collectible investments easily.



Set up a plan that perfectly fits your preferences and financial needs.



Take control of your diversification strategy and maximise your returns.



Set it up once, and automatically diversify your portfolio.



Lean back and watch the value of your portfolio accumulate.



Create and use the plan without any additional fees.

How to set up your Savings Plan

Set up your Timeless Savings Plan in 3 easy steps:

Download the app

Download the app from the app stores and create an account.


Go to ‘My Savings Plans’

Go to Settings → My Savings Plans → Set up your plan.


Select your preferences

Pick your preferred asset category and the number of fractions → You are done!


You've got questions? We have the answers.

The Timeless Savings Plan is a personalised investment tool that automates your collectible investments on a monthly basis and helps you effortlessly diversify your portfolio.

Who will benefit from the Savings Plan?

The Timeless Savings Plan is ideal for busy individuals that want to automate the collectible investment process and effortlessly diversify their portfolio within their own budget, one month at a time.

What do I gain from setting up my own Savings Plan in the Timeless app?

Depending on where you are at in your personal investment journey, there are different benefits to using the Timeless Savings Plan. If you are new to (collectible) investment, then it is the perfect entry point to get started without breaking the bank or needing any prior experience. You simply select the desired number of fractions, select the asset category that you love and lean back while the value of your portfolio develops. If you are already well-versed in investing and diversifying your portfolio then it will automate and substantially simplify the investment process for you as well as ensure that you never miss out on a high value asset opportunity ever again.

How do I set up my Savings Plan?

Setting up your own Timeless Savings Plan is easy. To be able to do so, you need to first have downloaded the Timeless app and completed your registration.

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Click on My Savings Plans.

  3. Set up your plan and follow the in-app instructions.

After setting up your own Savings Plan, the Savings Plan algorithm will invest in an asset according to your set budget, selected number of fractions as well as preferred asset category on the second Thursday of every month starting at 10.30am (CET). 48h before that, the algorithm will reserve this asset by creating an open order for it.

So how does the algorithm-driven selection and investment process work exactly?

  1. First, all assets that have the status Open or Coming soon, and that are scheduled to drop on the second Thursday of the current month, are selected.

  2. All remaining assets are then filtered according to the criteria of your selected category.

  3. From this selection, assets that you already own shares of are filtered out as well.

  4. After those screening steps, the remaining asset will be selected. If the remaining selection offers more than one suitable asset, the asset with the closest drop date will be selected.

  5. The selected asset will be reserved for investment on the second Thursday of each month - you will be receiving an email with all relevant asset details 48h before the investment.

  6. If you do not like the selected asset you can skip the asset by clicking on the dedicated option within that email. In that case, no investment will be made for that month.

  7. If you approve of the selected asset, you do not need to do anything - the investment will be made automatically on the second Thursday of each month.

How long does the Timeless Savings Plan run for?

The Timeless Savings Plan runs for 12 months. After this time period, you will be asked whether you would like to continue. If you do not confirm the continuation of your Savings Plan, we will automatically cancel it. You can of course set up another at any point after that.

The monthly asset selection is made through a sophisticated algorithm and defined by your personal preferences - such as your preferred asset category - as the key variable. Find more information about the algorithm here.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the selected asset?

You can skip a monthly asset selection by going to Settings → My Savings Plan → Skip Plan or by selecting the same option in the asset selection email sent to you 48 hours before the investment is made. If the investment is already made, you will have 14 days to request a refund.

Investments via your Savings Plan are made on the second Thursday of every month starting at 10.30am (CET). You will receive an email containing the selected asset 48 hours prior to that.

In some rare cases, the algorithm might not be able to find an asset that fits your personal preferences - such as your preferred asset category - and will not be able to make an investment. In that case, you will also not be invoiced for that month.

Yes, you can set up multiple Savings Plans and have them running at the same time. This especially makes sense if you want to further diversify across different asset categories, mitigate market trends and cycles or take advantage of opportunities in various markets.

It is not possible to pause the Savings Plan itself - however, it is possible to skip your monthly investment, effectively pausing the plan for that time period. You can skip a month by going to SettingsMy Savings PlanSkip Plan or by selecting the same option in the asset selection email up to the point the investment is made.

Yes, you can cancel the Savings Plan at any point in time. You can either skip investments on a monthly basis or you can delete your Savings Plan.

How can I skip the Savings Plan?

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Click on My Savings Plan.

  3. Click on Skip Plan.

How can I delete the Savings Plan?

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Click on My Savings Plan.

  3. Click on Delete.

There are no fees to set up or use the Timeless Savings Plan. We will only invoice you the amount you have chosen to invest on a monthly basis as well as our regular service and management fees. Learn more about our service and management fees here.